Continued from Part I....
After much searching and sexual conquest....

Who are you?
You look tired and hungry. As a compassionate conservative, I should at least break those chains.
Where did you get that fashionable hat and that nifty recurve bow?

I actually bought a ticket to Woodstock, but the officials were so stoned, they let the barbarians trample the gate and take my seat at the concert.
I have not been able to secure a refund or even an apology.
Republican: Cool. Let's be friends and join forces to defeat our common enemy.

Excuse us, sir. We are looking for the standard of our enemy. It is an image of two snakes coming together. Have you seen such a graven image?

It sounds like you might be looking for Bill and Hillary Clinton.
You must understand that I can't discuss them openly, since they are known to murder people in their sleep.
Just look for the most gaudy, phallic tower in the city, crowned by gargoyles that closely resemble James Carville.
Remember now... you and I never met, Ok?
Once they find the tower...

I just want you guys to understand, in this town, beautiful conservative women are more than willing to defend themselves in a hostile environment.
Who am I addressing?

Nice to meet you... Miss?
It looks like we are both looking for the same thing. I tell you what. I will put my sword down, if you do the same.

That's a PETA tower, funded by an insane liberal cult that thinks big ugly snakes are more important than human beings. I know that last sentence is highly redundant and suggestive in so many ways public and private.
My vast and highly skilled training in matters legal and otherwise, leads me to believe that I can easily convince you to go up the tower first.
So, What do you say?

As you know dear, our snake is an endangered species, whereas gullible young airheads like you are brim over at each and every one of our student rallies.
I also know that you will give anything, including sex or your tender thigh meat to the nearest serpent with a forked tongue, a beer, a shot and/or a hit of ecstasy.
So jump already, and feed the snake!

Sorry little girl, I know you broke a leg to feed this big fella, but that's show biz. I'll phone your parents to come pick you up and take you to a de-programming center.

All right. all right. We killed a big snake. What's with the congressional oversight? Can't we just pay a fine or something.

I saw how you guys handled opposition.
You did it without fear of reprisal.
You obviously did not give a crap about Media Matters or the MSM.
I salute you!

Where did you get all this booty.
Did all of this come from the American taxpayer?
Your offering it to us?
For what?

Please, young republicans, help bring my party home.
Young Republicans chime in unison: Agreed!

All you need is peace in your heart and enough lung power to suck on a bong.
Oh, yeah... Don't tase me bro!
Republican: Uhh... I think I'll pass.
Thinks to himself Damn! I wish I had charged those taser batteries.
Further down the road....

I don't need Medcare part D! I don't need section 8 housing! I don't need my children's education stunted by your attempts to make sure no moron is left behind!
They are smarter than all your liberal brats anyway!
Away! Or I will summon a demon more ferocious than all in hell! Maybe even Rush Limbaugh.

What is wrong with that? We could use little more Rush about now. Maybe he can give me some effective hippy de-programming tips.
Bring him on, Pilgrim.
Wizard (laughing heartily): Aaaaaah, A fellow traveler...

Republican: And why is that?
Wizard: Every time it tries to ignite, it is forced to surrender as all the oxygen is consumed by fools!
The next day, our Warrior ventures into a War Protest sit-in.

My, my young voter, you are quite a prize. Maybe there is an airport bathroom near here, where we can discuss your future as a political page. You know, in Washington, no page is left uncovered.
(Drum snare)

Yes, I think there is a stall over there....
(A distictive sound of a large knee plunging into the groin of a pervert.)

Here we see a wonderful D.C. tradition known as the 'Million Moron March'. A large group of individuals descend on the capital, to protest and demand.... uhhh..... stuff.
Let's face it. We don't really want anything but to be the next potential American Idol. Where are those cameras to record our 'outrage'.

Good. It looks like my peace-loving MoveOn thugs have softened you up a bit.
Have you been thinking about the riddle of the Constitution?
Shall I have Brutus fectch you a caramel latte with real whipped cream?

The answer is, the constitution is not strong. Squishy young brains are strong.
Yeah, yeah. Follow me here. I am headed somewhere.

As long as I control their squishy little brains, the constitution is only a single generation away from complete irrelevence.
Watch, as I tempt a young suicide bomber with my long-haired charisma...

Come my child. You will receive 72 autographed portraits of Ward Churchill in the afterlife.
Yeah. You stupid...


If you wan't to cook a liberal omelette, you have to break, scramble and abort a few million eggs, even if they are in their 63rd tri-mester.

Now, that.... My young republican, is the
Audacity of Hope!
Not some well composed document from posterity, but a good, solid exfoliating brainwashing.
Contemplate this on the MSM network of woe.

So this is the treatment I get from the media when I demand constitutional respect and ask that people be educated with all ideological points of view?
If I get out of this one, I swear the gloves will come off.
To Be Continued...