Does speaker Pelosi suffer the worst case of mental illness for a high-ranking public official, since I have been observing public officials? And I listened to the post-vote propaganda on their (heh) bi-partisan effort to commit anal rape of the American taxpayer:
I wish the entirety of that presentation was available. I really need to start capturing C-SPAN video. Does Barney Frank suffer the second worst case of mental illness for a high-ranking public official, since I have been oberving public officials? I respectfully defer to congressman Frank's established expertise in the subject of anal penetration. Do the DNC campaign affiliates of the MSM, who chuckled at Barney's remarks, suffer the worst case of mental illness, since I have been forcibly digesting their vomit?
The level of open hypocrisy, being promulgated in intervals as short as a few hours, and ignored by this modern farce we call journalism, is scaring the hell out of me, worse than the drugging of our children the pandering to illegal invaders and the open coddling of personal weakness.
Where the hell are the pitchforks and torches. We may need a lot of them, real soon. In the immortal words of Inspector Kemp:

"A riot is an ugly thing. And I think it's just about time we had one."
This is the last election.
You could be right Anon, specifically if the election turns out to be another episode of American idle.
That's all I can muster.
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