I have some pictures of Karl Rove's trip to La Raza. (I know it's cliche', but I couldn't help it.)

Here's Karl getting off the plane in Los Angeles. It has been a rough flight, but hey; this is about unity with our illegal brothers.

La Raza leadership give Karl the tour of their new charter school. This is the place where 'La Amo Raza' is cultivated to it's pure state. They have already taken care of that 'invade your neighbor' part of the big plan. Now that is efficiency.

No doubt impressed, Karl sits down and works out 15 million in U.S. taxpayer education grants (appeasement concessions).
Finally, upon his return to D.C. Karl holds up a piece of new amnesty legislation for the U.S. congress.

Holy crap! Doesn't the federal government research these groups before forking over the dough? Morons!!!
Heh, finally an accurate Nazi comparison.
SeanS - I wonder if the government is trying to kill the idea behind charter schools. It's a great idea, but we need standards here.
fm - I thought long and hard about it, since I was attacking ne-icon Rove. Then I said to myself: "Wait a minute, he is dead wrong here!"
Disturbing Parallels...
Look, I like Rove, but his and W's support of La Raza is damn disturbing. How can anybody defend an organization named "The Race" is beyond me. How can someone say that "The Race" is not a racist organization?
Sean, No the government does not research groups before giving them money, unless they are faith based!
But, they're a MINORITY, FM. Don't you know that means they CAN'T be racist?
Damian - And some disturbing perpendiculars too.
fm - It's only racism when race is mentioned by Nazis, KKK and Trent Lott. Just ask the NYT. They will confirm this, by an artistic and diverse blend of inclusion and omission of course.
Ssssteve - You know the moonbat mantra. Separation of church and state is crucial for the progressive health of the nation. Separation of hate and state, would be a violation of cultural free speech.
FIAR - Once they are in the majority, they can claim that since 'la raza' is not spoken in the evil white devil's language, it can't possibly be racist. It's razist.
"Separation of hate and state, would be a violation of cultural free speech."
I bow to your superior intellect and your writing prowess. I am not worthy to read such wisdom.
Another selling out of America to stay in power...
fm - ;)
CUG - Not if the crusaders of the blogosphere can help it.
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