Yes, I know it is a PBS production. It also has a few characters I do not like very much. But you cannot learn anything from a source which presents only one view.
This is an excellent entertaining and informative synopsis of the global macroeconomic view of things.
Disc 1: The Battle of Ideas
This is a thorough in its presentation of classic liberal Keynesian economics and the pure free market views of Freidrich Von Hayek. Learn the ultimate folly of government control on prices and markets, designed to carry us out of recessions. Learn why it did not work for Carter. Learn how Hayek is finally getting credit for a view that was criticized for a lifetime. Ah, yes. The arrogance of those in the know. You will see it in action. It reminds me of the global warming alarmists now, and the global cooling alarmists then.
Disc 2: The Agony of Reform
Learn how economic shock therapy had dramatic curative effects on Poland and Brazil. Find out how and why it failed in others. Find out how countries are dealing with irrational political fear and resistance to specialization and change. Find out where some of those fears are justified.
Disc 3: The New Rules of the Game
Discover some of the new problems of global economics. Review the power and political motivations of multinationals. See borders and nations become blurred. Discover new perils, like the international market 'contagion' that brought about a potential depression level disaster, during the Asian market bubble collapse of the 90s.
Great stuff.
So we got this as a present. People shouldn't be allowed to watch something this good. He has at his disposal the New York Philharmonic and all of musical history to elaborate answers to questions like:
What Does Music Mean?
What Is American Music?
What Makes Music Symphonic?
What Is Orchestration?
What Is Classical Music?
He has the orchestra play full pieces, or short passages or even just a note or two to provide examples. He plays the piano. He puts up charts. He really dissects the topics very well, and holds the audience (and my family) spellbound for each show. At the end, we're all grinning and applauding to the TV. Wow!
Seeing that I just recently started playing an instrument (at 40+ yrs), this looks fascinating. Music has an ancient history, full of both baggage and bravado. Thanks for the tip, Hydro.
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