Thursday, August 10, 2006

Go Visit Peakah

Be provocated to visit memory lane.



The Conservative UAW Guy said...

Remember when Peakah used to have posts and stuff? ;)

Insolublog said...

I know, jimmyb. My blogging has not been a vision of alacrity either. My surplus energy supply is tighter than Prudhoe bay.

Unknown said...

My summer rule is at least every other day, or other other day, or...

Peakah said...

wow a link to a three week old post... can any one say the lazy days of summer?

I swear, once I convince my higher ups to promote me (and provide me my own wi-fi hooked up laptop to covertly post my madness) I'll be posting with some sort of insane regularity again...

...or maybe not...

Y'all know probably just as well as I that I'll wind up posting something that'll get me fired!

Buwaaahahahah... wouldn't that be fun? Then I'd definatelly have more time for bloggin!!