Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Left checks in on Roberts

(A Precision Guided humor assignment)

Here is the latest roundup of important quotes from our fellow political bretheren, on the nomination of John Roberts for the SCOTUS.

Sen. Ted Kennedy
Err.. um... I'm just not comfortable with a man who has no skeletons to speak of. We want backbone on this court.
Sen Joe Biden
When I was at home in Vermont, in my dungarees, reading the Roberts memoranda, an apple fell on my head. It then occured to me, at that moment, ( squinting and gesturing to the C-SPAN camera ) the gravity of this choice for nominee.
Why is the far right rejoicing about Souter's nomination?
Why is the far right rejoicing about O'Connor's nomination?
Why is the far right rejoicing about Robert's nomination?
Rep. Nancy Pelosi
The Republicans nominate Robert Bork. The Republicans nominate John Roberts.
I, for one, detect a very disturbing pattern here.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein:
Robert's is an original constructionist. How are we supposed to build a great future, for the children, without sweeping away all that old debris?
Robert's gaping lack of Ginsberg style credentials, raises serious concerns about his credibility.
Sen. Robert Byrd
Who farted in this committee room? Ahhm the onleh one allowed to soil mahself on the hallowed floahs of this heah oh-gust bodey.
Sen. Robert Byrd (Update) after realizing that there was at least one person in Washington who wasn't treating him like a preserved cadaver, fitted with a chattering embedded iPod, pre-loaded with DNC rhetoric.
I thank President Bush for reaching out to senators on both sides of the aisle as he worked to select a nominee for the court.
Sen. John Flippin' Kerry
We need a nominee who will be totally consistent with the facts and analysis.
Sen. Barbara Boxer
Who care's about Roberts! I want Karl Rove's head on a platter. Quit changing the subject.
Autorantic Virtual Moonbat
Speaking of Nomination: Unlike you and Clarence Thomas, I am not in love with capitalism! Bu$$$h wants Belfast for the oil. KWIM?. As a puppy, I am frantic!!!! Charlton Heston!!!? Kenneth Lay!? Well, I can't tell one robot for the BLOGOSPHERE from the other. (Condoleezza Rice either, figuratively speaking!!!!)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Robert's is an original constructionist. How are we supposed to build a great future, for the children, without sweeping away all that old debris?"

LOL! :-D